Fees and Rebates
Different funding options
We can work out which funding options are suitable for you so that we can heavily reduce your out-of-pocket cost!
Eligibility: Anyone who enrolled in Medicare.
Process: Your GP may determine your eligibility for a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements. Your GP can nominate up to 5 sessions per calendar year.
Estimated out-of-pocket cost: $29.65 per 30-min session
Assumptions: MBS Schedule Fee: $70.95. MBS Benefit: $60.35. Charge amount: $90.
Disclaimer: The estimate is only an estimate, we do not hold any liability for the accuracy of the estimate.

Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
Eligibility: Holder of Veteran Gold Card or Veteran White Card and the treatment is for an accepted service-related condition.
Process: Your GP may send us a referral for a treatment cycle (12 sessions or one year, whichever ends first).
Estimated out-of-pocket cost: $0
Assumptions: Not appplicable.
Disclaimer: The estimate is only an estimate, we do not hold any liability for the accuracy of the estimate.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Eligibility: Have a current self- or plan-managed NDIS plan.
Process: We will ask for your NDIS reference number, plan dates and plan goals to ensure our supports meet NDIS' requirements.
Estimated out-of-pocket cost: $0
Assumptions: Not applicable
Disclaimer: The estimate is only an estimate, we do not hold any liability for the accuracy of the estimate.
Workers' Compensation Insurance
Eligibility: Have a claim accepted by ReturnToWorkSA.
Process: We will directly bill your claims agent, self-insured employer, RTWSA EnABLE Unit, or employer.
Estimated out-of-pocket cost: $0
Assumptions: Not applicable
Disclaimer: The estimate is only an estimate, we do not hold any liability for the accuracy of the estimate.

Private Health Insurance
Eligibility: Enrolled in a current private health fund which covers speech pathology services. Please check with your fund regarding eligibility.
Process: We will bill you directly and provide a detailed receipt for you to claim from your health fund.
Estimated out-of-pocket cost: Unable to estimate.
Assumptions: Not applicable
Disclaimer: The estimate is only an estimate, we do not hold any liability for the accuracy of the estimate.
Private Client
Eligibility: All
Process: If you are not eligible for any funding, you can still see us as a private client. You may be eligible for funding options if the situation changed in the future.
Estimated out-of-pocket cost: $90 per 30min session
Assumptions: Not applicable
Disclaimer: The estimate is only an estimate, we do not hold any liability for the accuracy of the estimate.